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Tarkett homogeneous vinyl sheet flooring

Piso de vinil homogéneo Tarkett
Piso de vinil homogéneo Tarkett iQ Granit
Piso de vinil homogéneo Tarkett iQ Granit


Pisos de vinil homogéneo Tarkett

Homogeneous vinyl floors are single-layer vinyl floors, compacts stick to the subfloor, and are heat welded at the joints.


Homogeneous vinyl floors are solutions of high resistance and durability in heavy traffic areas. Specially designed for areas of health care, education and light industrial due to its resistance and ease of cleaning.


Tarkett homogeneous vinyl floors are the only ones that can be dry polished which reduces maintenance costs and keeps the floor looking better for much longer, increasing its useful life.


Tarkett has several lines of homogeneous vinyl flooring, several lines of regular homogeneous that may or may not require waxing on an occasional basis, however, at Interdeco we only work with the iQ lines as they do not require waxing for the life of the product.


We also have a conductive option under the iQ Toro SC homogeneous floor line.

¿Por qué iQ?

La línea Tarkett iQ ofrece una durabilidad extrema, así como una resistencia superior al desgaste, las manchas y la abrasión para todas las áreas de tránsito intenso. No es necesario pulir ni encerar, un simple pulido en seco es suficiente para restaurar la apariencia original de este piso.

Gracias a una gama de formatos y accesorios coordinados, que incluyen opciones de pisos acústicos, disipadores de estática y antideslizantes, iQ es una verdadera oferta de múltiples soluciones.

Tarkett iQ homogeneous vinyl flooring
Tarkett iQ homogeneous vinyl sheet flooring


Tarkett has several homogeneous product lines of high durability and resistance to traffic, however, the options may require different maintenance.

Tarkett iQ Granit homogeneus sheet vinyl flooring

Tarkett iQ Granit

Tarkett iQ Granit, the most popular collection is versatility that is always in style 62 colors in semi-directional patterns for all types of uses.

Tarkett iQ Surface homogeneus sheet vinyl flooring

Tarkett iQ Surface

With Tarkett iQ Surface mix and match patterns and color families to unleash creativity with 20 floor and 7 wall colors.

Tarkett iQ Natural homogeneus sheet vinyl flooring

Tarkett iQ Natural

Tarkett iQ Natural is the 1st vinyl flooring made with bioattributed vinyl under mass balance principles 35 colors in non-directional patterns.

Tarkett iQ Eminent homogeneus sheet vinyl flooring

Tarkett iQ Eminent

Tarkett iQ Eminent contrasting 3D design to enhance demanding areas, available in 34 colors in non-directional patterns.

Tarkett iQ Optima homogeneus sheet vinyl flooring

Tarkett iQ Optima

Tarkett iQ Optima, the original, truly classic design available in 64 colors in directional patterns.

Tarkett iQ Megalit homogeneus sheet vinyl flooring

Tarkett iQ Megalit

Tarkett iQ Megalit, a design inspired by megalithic stones that highlights 24 colors in semi-directional patterns.

Tarkett iQ Toro SC homogeneus sheet vinyl flooring

Tarkett iQ Toro SC

Tarkett iQ Toro SC, is the conductive homogeneous vinyl flooring option for areas with a high risk of discharge.


Tarkett iQ Granit is ideal for hospitals and healthcare use, as well as in severe transit areas. Tarkett iQ vinyl floors do not require wax during its life cycle, there's also a conductive option available.


Wear layer

Total thickness




homogeneous sheet



glue down and heat welded


10 years commercial

Piso de vinil para hospitales Tarkett iQ Granit

Colors available:

Tarkett iQ Granit - neutral xtra 404 light grey

iQ Granit 404 light grey

Tarkett iQ Granit - neutral medium grey

iQ Granit 461 medium grey

Tarkett iQ Toro SC - 3093 100 light grey

iQ Toro SC 100 light grey



Tarkett has several homogeneous product lines of high durability and resistance to traffic, however, the options may require different maintenance.


Tarkett iQ Toro is a homogeneous vinyl floor with high resistance and durability, conductive and aseptic, ideal for clean areas.

It has a conductive layer on its back that guarantees its conductivity level across the entire width of the floor. It is installed with a copper ground wire to divert all discharges in sensitive areas that require it.

Piso de vinil conductivo Tarkett IQ Toro en quirófano

Frequently asked questions

Below we answer the most frequently asked questions about Tarkett iQ homogeneous sheet flooring and related products and installations.

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Commercial flooring

tel. 809-227-7700 ext. 110, 111

whatsapp. 829-257-8406

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¡Gracias por contactarnos!


Visit our project gallery and see what our products can do for your design. Solutions in window treatments, blinds, shades, window films; also floorcoverings solutions: hardwood, vinyl floors and carpets for corporate, retail, residential and hospitality purposes.

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